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Why Australia is a Favorite Destination for International Students? No ratings yet.


In the past decade, Australia has been gaining popularity among international students looking to study abroad. It is currently the third most popular destination for international students. In this blog, we will look at why is Australia gaining this popularity and is becoming one of the most favoured destinations among the international student community.

The top reasons are:

  • Innovative curriculum and teaching system
  • Abundant choices of courses and universities
  • Global recognition for Australian Degrees
  • Prioritised Scientific Research support and facilities

The above mentioned are the top factors which sway the international students to Australia. But there are other factors which are equally important to the aforementioned that help in students deciding of moving to Australia. We are going to discuss these reasons in detail below. pathway Education provide Best Student Visa Service in Adelaide Australia.


Almost all the universities based in Australia offer some form of Scholarship in some way. These scholarships benefit students enormously. Scholarships offered are also varied and are also offered on basis of educational merit, scientific contributions and athletic merit. Apart from the universities, the Australian government also offers scholarships to encouraging students to come to Australia.


Students studying in Australia have a wide range of visa options at their disposal. After completing their education, the students are eligible to apply for a Post Study Work Visa (485) which is valid for two years. There are many pathways for students which can lead to a permanent residency.

Government Support

The Australian government offers many scholarships and awards for international students such as Australian Awards Scholarships (AAS) and International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS). Along with these scholarships, the government also offers wide variety of support for students such as

  • Language and Academic support
  • International student advisors
  • On-arrival orientation programs
  • Childcare support
  • Mental health, wellbeing and counselling etc.
  • Living Costs and Lifestyle

In Australia, you can legally work 40 hours per fortnight while studying. This can help offset your living expenses. Students can also find a work-study balance in Australia and the country offers a relaxed lifestyle such as in other western countries.

These are some of the many reasons which can help in international students making that decision of moving to Australia for education.

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