This visa is for people who arrived in Australia without a visa, and want to seek asylum. It lets you stay in Australia temporarily if you engage Australia’s protection obligations and meet all other requirements for the grant of the visa.
You must
➤ engage Australia’s protection obligations (or be a member of the same family unit of someone who does)
➤ meet all other visa requirements, such as health, character, identity and security.
With this visa, you can
➤ live, work and study in Australia temporarily for 3 years
➤ access government services such as jobactive, Medicare and Centrelink services
➤ access short-term counselling for torture and trauma when required
➤ attend English language classes for free if you are eligible
➤ travel overseas to countries other than your home country if you obtain our written approval to travel due to compassionate or compelling circumstances
Visa Fee Calculator
The visa application charge is the amount of money in Australian dollars (AUD) that must be paid for a visa application.
In some cases there is no visa application charge.
The cost of visas changes from time to time. The cost of your visa is dependent on the date we receive your application.
Required Checklist For Temporary Protection visa Subclass 785
For Visa application you required some list of Document for Hassele free Process.
Get Document Checklist from below link