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Adoption Visa (Subclass 102)

Adoption Visa (Subclass 102)

The Adoption visa (subclass 102) lets a child come to Australia to live with their adoptive parent. The child can already be adopted or be in the process of being adopted. The adoptive parent sponsors the child for this visa and usually applies on their behalf.

This is a permanent residence visa. If the adoption is through a state or territory adoption authority, you can lodge the application before the adoption is finalised.


Adoption Visa (Subclass 102)

This Visa can be designed to adopt children from other countries or partnership countries. As the adoptive parents should be Australian citizens. It was a special visa available for parents looking to adopt children in Australia. As the adoptive parents should have permanent residence in Australia. It can take up to 2 years or more from when the family decides to adopt to when the adoption is finalized.

If you adopt a child from any other place, you should have an Adoption Visa (Subclass 102). When the adoption is arranged through your STCA, it allows entering the child into Australia. Otherwise, without this Visa, it becomes a high risk of taking the adoption of the child. You should fulfill all the Adoption visa requirements to get the Visa as soon as possible.


What are the Eligibility Criteria?

Some of the requirements are important when adopting a child in Australia as the adoptive child should be below the age of 18. They should adopt the children from any one of the Australian adoption partner countries. Certainly, the adoption of children should follow the process of being adopted by intercountry adoption. Whereas the adoption process involves the Australian state authority or central territorial authority. The Australian Government’s skilled representatives make the adoption visa’s evaluation clear. 

The responsible parents should have done with the process of adoption or the process of being adopted while they apply for “this visa” made with clearance from the territory’s central authority or the Australian state authority. The child adopted should fulfill all the health specifications required for this process. 

If there is any debt in the name of the child, it has to be paid before applying for the Visa. The child must be aware of the procedure which was carried out. These are some of the eligibility criteria which have to be met. Otherwise, the Visa will be canceled.


Requirements of Adoption Visa

Hence, if you apply for the Adoption Visa (Subclass 102),It is very important to meet the necessities of the Australian Government. Then only the application will go under the process without any retraction. 

 ➤ Carefully, Fill out the application form with the required details which were asked there. 

 ➤ You must attach all the certificates as they are asking with the application form. 

 ➤ The needed certificates are the original birth certificate of the child who was going to be adopted, health and character certificate should be produced, there should be no debt registered in their name. 

 ➤ The adoption documents publishing the details of the adoption, the child should have the financial support from their parents. The adoptive parents must have all the papers required for the Adoption Visa process. 


Checklist for Adoption Visa

The adopted child must stay with their parents in any place in the world except in Australia for about 12 months. Then they can apply for the Visa with the Adoption visa requirements. Photocopy of the child’s passport pages. Whereas the page should clearly show the child’s picture, personal details, and the expiry date of the passport. The national identity card of the child is required. 

Four recent pictures of the child should be in the range of 45mm x 35mm with a white or light background taken in the last six months. The identity documents of the dependent, traveling documents, and the proof of the relationship between the child and the dependent for the adoption visa Australia.


Processing Time for Visa

The adoption process can be extended up to 2 years after the application is completed. Whereas 25% of applications are completed within four months, 50% of applications can be completed within nine months, 75% can be completed within 16 months, and 90% can be completed within 27 months. With this Visa, the child can migrate to Australia as a permanent resident to live with their adoptive parents. They can apply for Australian citizenship if they are eligible. They will stay permanently with the adoptive parents with this Visa.

The application processing will vary as they have to submit the additional attachment copies on time. Otherwise, it takes some time to issue the Visa. The adoption can be finalized after two years when the requirements have been submitted to the Australian Government. The adoption process can be followed in these steps with an inquiry of the information about the parent and the child, training given to the child and the parents, evaluation of the economic status of the parent, pre-placement of the adoption, placement of the proper response to the parent, finalization the process with the complete fulfilling of the requirement of adoption visa Australia.


Benefits of Using Adoption Visa

 ➤ When a child gets an adoption visa, then they become permanent residents of Australia. They have full eligibility to live with you in Australia. 

 ➤ They can perform their study and work as normal Australian citizens do. They can enroll in public healthcare also.

 ➤ For about five years, if they want to travel to any country or within Australia, they can also travel. After five years, they can get a resident return visa (RRV) or apply for citizenship. 

 ➤ You are eligible to apply for Australian citizenship when you have completed the residence in Australia as the adopted child can easily become an Australian citizen when they stay in Australia for four years. 

 ➤ And the child who is adopted under the Hague Adoption Convention or the recognized bilateral arrangement they are eligible to apply for Australian citizenship.

 ➤ The parents who are of good repute and perfect to fulfill the responsibilities of the parents. As they can be a good adoptive parent.

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