There are times when things seem off the first time you move to an unfamiliar city or institution. It is possible that you are seeking a totally different path to pursue your studies, or the one you’ve chosen may not fit your desired job or you may not anymore be interested in it.
It’s perfectly fine to begin your studies in Australia but later decide that it’s not the ideal option for you. The option to change courses is offered to international students enrolled in Transferring Courses in Australia however there are some points to be considered.
If your long-term goals are connected to your job or education ambitions, you need to be sure that your plan of action fits your goals better than the previous one, when you switch to a different city or institution, or even course.
The Statement of Change of Rules
International students must be aware of an inherent risk in any request change because the Minister could decide to deny you a visa if it is considered to be an unauthorised transfer of critical technology and poses a risk that is unreasonable. If this happens, you’ll have the option to renew student visa. The document states that all other types of visas must be cancelled, except for certain protection visas and Bridging visas. However, cancellation of relevant visa types is not mandatory.
The department of home affairs has included these visa requirements in the law’s formulation. Anyone with Australia Student Visas currently studying in postgraduate or higher education courses or research-based courses, or who would prefer to change their study plan and thesis topic or research area are subject to Sections 8204A as well as 8204B.
The new change’s effects on Australia’s Study Visa
The new law increases the authority of the Minister. To protect the public interest the minister can now choose not to accept the request to change in direction.
In the event that they are the holders of an Australian Student Visa, students have the right to appeal against the decision and get the report.
Only students who have received student visas on or after July 1st become subject the new requirements for visas.
Applications that have been submitted prior to this date will be accepted.
Concerning Condition 8204
The restrictions will be placed to all holders of Australia Study Visas following condition 8204. International students aren’t allowed to transfer courses or altering their study plan, thesis or research topic without permission from the Minister, in accordance with condition note 8204. These courses require endorsement.
- Undergraduate degree
- Graduate degree
- Master’s degree
Doctorate or other introductory course required prior to beginning an academic program or research that leads to a master’s or doctoral.
Applications from students seeking transferring courses and thesis changes or changes to research topics will only be considered for students who have filled out Form 1221
The second reason is that it’s unlikely the changes will threaten “Australian National Security” in any way, whether directly or indirectly.
Before submitting the form, 1221 candidates must fill it out and email it with the subject “8203/8204 assessment” to
Also read: What is new student visa rules of Australia?
In line with the rules that apply to the Transferring course Australian Student Visa, the most recent rule change will also be applicable to the subclasses of visa that follow (subclass 500).
- Education (subclass 407) (subclass 407)
- Temporary Activity (subclass 408)
- temporarily (Short-Term Specialist) (subclass 400)
- Temporary Skills Shortage (subclass 482)
- Interim Graduation (subclass 485)
- Achieved a degree with a recognized skill (subclass 476)
- Regional (Provisional) Skilled Employer Visa (subclass 494).
- Regional Skilled Permanent Residence (Subclass 191) (expected to begin on in 2022 on the 16th of November)
- Visas required for those who are eligible for the Global Talent Independent Program: Visa for the Permanent Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186)
- Visas for Regional sponsored Migration Scheme (Permanent) (subclass 187)
- Unconstrained (Permanent) skilled (subclass the subclass 189) visa
- (Permanent) Distinguished Talent (Subclass 858) Visa.