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482 Visa Latest News: New Pathway to Permanent Residency No ratings yet.


The Covid 19 pandemic has changed the world in many ways. Australia was faced with a lot of challenges as did many other countries and the pandemic affected many industries, including that of the Best Migration Agent. The restrictions on travel that restricted individuals’ ability to enter or leave the country in the period of closure for two years affected the field of migration.

Happily, Australia has been slowly but surely recovering from the damages. As part of the process of recovery the government plans to make a number of adjustments. The positive side is that the industry of migration is also going through a change because of these changes.

In the latest 482 Visa Latest News, Numerous sponsored employees aided Australia through Covid 19 and helped Covid 19 epidemic to keep its economy in balance and stability. The employees who moved from other countries as well as those who remain in Australia provided assistance.

The government is planning to provide additional aid to those who assisted our nation in the outbreak in the context of the latest changes to allow them to attain permanent status.

Australian Government announced that measures would be implemented to ease the path to permanent residency for some people who hold Subclass 482 (Temporary Skill Shortage) visas (subclass 482 visa) and Subclass 457 (Temporary Work (Skilled) visas on November 25, 2021 due to the increasing demand for labour and the declining numbers of people who have temporary visas 2021, as a result of the COVID-19 virus (subclass 457 visa).

What is Regulation 5.19 and what Modifications have been made?

Certain Temporary skilled visa holders could be eligible to apply for permanent residence in Australia due to recent developments. If their employer sends an application to the Minister in accordance with Regulation 5.19 to permit the visa holders to be considered for a job opportunity in Australia after the approval the visa holder is eligible for subclass 186 (Employer Nomination Scheme) visa (subclass 186 visa) or Subclass 187 (Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme) visa. This is the case (subclass Visa 187).

Candidates can be nominated to make applications to multiple permanent residence streams within the subclasses visas 186 and 187 as well as a subclass 186 visa for the Temporary Residence transition Stream (TRT visa). The process for approving nominees for post in Australia is described in Regulation 5.19 as well as other aspects.

Additionally, the Regulation provides special attention to those who are afflicted with the disruption of the employment market due to the COVID-19 virus. Due to COVID-19’s outbreak certain employees were required to quit and do less than full-time work or reduce their hours or take vacation without pay.

These regulations ensure that the individuals aren’t being disadvantaged. The clauses recognize these times as those in which they were employed full-time. In addition, there are various exemptions that could be applicable to specific situations. The requirement of meeting the necessary criteria is explained in detail below.

The specific qualifications to qualify for the new route

The applicant should have an TSS or a visa. The essential requirements for a 457 visa have to be met and the visa should not have been issued concurrently with a labour contract.

The applicant must fulfil the requirements of the job to ensure that it is appropriately named. The applicant must have the visa 457/TSS for three years. But the applicant must be in the same job during the period of three years.


The instrument is part of the policies which will go into effect on July 1st 2022. The opportunity to apply and nominate for the Temporary Residence Transition Stream (TRT) visa is a possibility that can be availed by skilled people who are currently holding the subclasses 457, 482 or 457 visas.

In addition, as that the visa for subclass 457 could not be valid anymore and replaced by Subclass 482 visa from the 18th of April, 2017 arrangements for transitional arrangements were put in place in order to permit those who hold a subclass 457 visa and applicants to to gain permanent residency through the subclass 186 visa or subclass visa.

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