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RPL Qualifification Checklist

RPL Qualification Checklist


Reference Letter

A proper and an authentic reference letter is required for us to support your qualification. As Recognition of Prior Learning is the process of converting your skills and experience into a formal qualification, a reference letter is required. It should contain all the details of your employment, job descriptions, clear language and a contact person. No qualification is issued without verifying your work experience.


Unique Student Identification USI is required for onshore client. Every student has a USI. If he/she does not have one then he/she can create one from https://www.usi.gov- .au/ You are allowed only one USI so please do check if you already have one or not. If you have any issues, you can give the USI Department a call and they will help you.

Detailed Resume

Your resume should be professionally designed. It should contain all the necessary information of yourself, academic qualifications and details of your experience. We do not accept a resume that is poorly written, not given enough information, and not enough information about yourself. Please put your contact details

Employment Contract

An employment contract helps, if you have one. However, this is not mandatory.

Visa Copy

A valid visa copy is required if you are in Australia. We might also ask for your history of residing in Australia.

First Aid (Depends ON Qualification)

A first aid copy is required for the qualifications that are used in Hospitality industry.

Food safety (Depends On Qualification)

A food safety certificate is required for qualifications that are used in preparing food.

Working Photos (According to the units)

Enough photos will be required of you that are taken at your workplace and proves your competency and skills. We suggest that you send us about 30-50 working photos that are clear and visible.

Working Videos

Working videos helps and underpin your qualifications well. If you can, please make working videos as well. However, it is not mandatory. In some qualifications, video is necessary.

Pay slips

Please provide payslips from your work if you have them.

Academic Qualifications

Please provide us a copy of your qualifications you achieved so far.

Construction Qualification

White Card

Category A - 70 Points

– Birth certificate or extract
– Australian citizenship certificate
– Passport
– Australian driver’s licence or permit
– Proof of age card

Category B - 30 Points

– Department of Veterans’ Aairs (DVA) card
– Centrelink pensioner / health care card
– Government employee identification card
– Secondary or Tertiary student identification card
– Seniors / Medicare / private health card

Category C - 15 Points

– Council rates / property insurance papers
– Professional or trade association card
– International driver’s licence
– Bank or credit card
– Utilities bill (telephone, gas, electricity or water)
– Tax notice / superannuation statements
– Motor vehicle registration / insurance papers
– Rental property lease agreement
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