Temporary Activity Visa Temporary Activity Visa Temporary Activity Visa – 408 processing time for visas This temporary visa permits you to travel to Australia to participate in sporting events that are endorsed by the Australian Government.
The Classification of Type Events is Listed Below for Your Better Understanding
The visa lets you remain in Australia to take part in a special program that has been approved. Special programs could be youth exchange, culture enrichment, group activities, such as school language helpers or “gap year school volunteering.”
This visa permits you to work for full-time an institution of religion in Australia. The family members you apply for the permit along with the right to stay for as long as two years.
This visa allows you to be a part of research studies in the Australian academic or research. The family members who are applying to be granted the visa are able to stay as long as two years.
If you’re asked to participate in a local event, like an athletic event then you are able to enter Australia using this visa. Your family members traveling together on your passport are able to stay for as long as three months.
The visa allows you to coach, play or instructor referee on an Australian team, and also take part in elite sports training with a sports organization. You and your family members are allowed to stay within Australia for up two years.
This temporary visa permits individuals to go to Australia to be employed in the entertainment industry as a producer, performer or member of a support crew for TV, film or live productions. Family members may be considered in the visa application.
This visa permits you to be crew members on a yacht in Australia. It is possible to stay for up to a year.
This visa permits you to travel to Australia within a program for staff exchange with an Australian business. The family members traveling with you on the visa are allowed to stay for up to two years.
This visa permits you to visit Australia and to work full-time within the family of selected elite executives from overseas. The family members you and your spouse are allowed to stay as long as two years.
The 408 Visa allows Those who want to Visit Australia Temporarily to Do The following:
- As an invited participant go to an event.
- Earn a living from the entertainment industry.
- Participate in one-time social or cultural event that is organized through one of the Australia group.
- Participate in or observe research for academic purposes.
- Full-time work in the church.
- Join a specific program designed to increase international contacts and exchange of cultural ideas.
- Participate in sports of high-level (including practicing).
- Participating in a professional role as part of an employee exchange program.
- Join an event backed through Australia’s Australian Government.
- As a member of a superyacht’s crew.
- Full-time domestic work in the homes of famous foreign executives.
408 visa processing time
The 408 processing time for visas is dependent on the kind of work and the activity to which it’s used. The time frame for processing can vary between 6 and 21 months. If you’re not sure about the likely processing time you can get in touch via one of our specialists in migration for more information.
- To be eligible for a 408 visa the visa applicant must satisfy the following criteria:
- When applying for a 408 visa outside of Australia, you must expect to stay in Australia for less than three months and have the approval of the organization/individual responsible for the event.
- The sponsor must be an approved sponsor.
- You must have sufficient financial aid as well as health insurance to cover for the costs of the hospital duration of the.
- The activity must be in compliance with the conditions of the visa 408.
Also Read: What is Visa processing time for Australia 408 Visa ?